Delivery available 7 days a week
Flower delivery from a local florist

Flower delivery from a local florist

Expertly designed &ready to impress

Expertly designed &ready to impress

Hand deliveredwith care to your doorstep

Hand deliveredwith care to your doorstep

Luxurious Red Rose Hand tied Bouquet


Indulge in the exquisite beauty of our Luxurious Red Rose Hand tied Bouquet, handcrafted by our expert florists at Rams Florist. Made with the finest quality red roses, this stunning bouquet is a true work of art that will delight your senses and make a lasting impression. Experience luxury and elegance with every bouquet.Arrange a bouquet of red roses from our online store and share your feelings with the one you love! Please note: Bouquets will not always be an exact replica and we reserve the right to make substitutes due to seasonal availability.

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Delivery Information

Same day Flower Delivery Service

We hand deliver all local deliveries using our own drivers to areas in and around Milton Keynes. For deliveries that are further away, we will use Interflora to deliver orders sent to an approved florist that is local to the delivery address. Deliveries can be made on the same day as the order, providing the orders when it’s completed.

Delivery Days

Orders are delivered between 9:00 am and 18:00 pm Monday to Saturday. We do not offer a guaranteed delivery time (as the service tends to increase the price quite a bit) although we will always try and accommodate specific customer requests wherever possible. We do not normally deliver on Sundays, however, we will occasionally offer delivery on Sundays for special dates, such as Valentine’s or Mother’s Day, for which a small charge will be payable.

Same Day Delivery

Any orders will be sent the next working day (excludes Sundays and Bank Holidays).

Our AM Delivery service is between 9am and 12 noon.

Delivery Charges

  • Standard Delivery starts from: £5.00

Click and Collect

We have a Click and Collect option on the website, where you are welcome to come and collect your flowers on the day that suits you. We are more than happy to provide same day collection, however, please make sure you give us at least 2 hours notice before arriving to collect your order. We suggest contacting us on +441908373020 if you would like to confirm when an order will be ready for collection.